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We Are GyroGear

We are a passionate startup, driven by a deep sense of purpose to make a meaningful difference in the world.

We Are GyroGear

We are a passionate startup, driven by a deep sense of purpose to make a meaningful difference in the world.

our Mission

GyroGear aims to be a beacon of hope and innovation in the world of neurological devices.

Bringing joy and freedom through steady hands. We're committed to creating transformative solutions that touch hearts and minds globally.

Mask group

our vision

At GyroGear, we are on a heartfelt journey to alleviate hand tremors and restore vibrant lives.

With empathy as our guiding light, we craft innovative solutions to treat tremors and empower individuals. We're dedicated to extending our compassion to other related conditions, touching many more lives with unwavering dedication.

Together, we will inspire hope to the world of tremor care, igniting the spark of possibility for a brighter future.

GyroGear logo

Our Story

Like all stories, ours began with a 103-year-old lady in a London hospital. Our founder, Faii, a medical trainee on her care team, was perplexed by her weight loss and increasing frailty. The answer became clear during lunch when he observed her struggling with tremors while eating. When he asked the nurses about her condition, their response was, "She's a hundred and three, forgets you in five minutes, has severe shakes, and her medications have stopped working. There's nothing we can do." Unwilling to accept defeat, GyroGear was born.

Our Founder

Dr. Faii Ong, founder of GyroGear Ltd and inventor of GyroGlove, was inspired to create a wearable technology to reduce hand tremors in the 200 million people worldwide suffering from bodily tremors, after witnessing a 103-year-old Parkinson's patient struggling to feed herself. With a background in medicine, science, and bioengineering, he earned his medical degree at Imperial College London and conducted research at Harvard Medical School and Harvard-MIT's Health Science and Technology Division, focusing on medical devices, regenerative medicine, and stem cell therapy.

Dr. faii ong

our founder

Dr. Faii Ong, founder of GyroGear Ltd and inventor of GyroGlove, was inspired to create a wearable technology to reduce hand tremors in the 200 million people worldwide suffering from bodily tremors, after witnessing a 103-year-old Parkinson's patient struggling to feed herself. With a background in medicine, science, and bioengineering, he earned his medical degree at Imperial College London and conducted research at Harvard Medical School and Harvard-MIT's Health Science and Technology Division, focusing on medical devices, regenerative medicine, and stem cell therapy.

our achievements

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UnLtd UK Innovation Award
Imperial Hub Social Enterprise Award
Innovation Award, Imperial College Advanced Hackspace
Inaugural Champion, Founder’s Forum Factor 2015 (EU’s largest tech competition)
Inaugural Champion, Founder’s Forum Factor 2015 (EU’s largest tech competition)
Inaugural Champion, Founder’s Forum Factor 2015 (EU’s largest tech competition)
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In a world where high-precision medical device companies started by university graduates are a rarity, we have embarked on an extraordinary mission.

Join us on this remarkable journey and become a part of something truly special.